Or, actually, a lot of patience. That's what I'll need to get through this next fun phase of "can this hamstring be fixed?" (And for you '80's music aficionados, I apologize for the Guns N' Roses earworm you probably now have.)
In the month and a half since I last posted, I've continued to try to figure out why my hamstring still hurts over two years after surgery, and what to do to make it stop. I went to a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic--"I'm not sure why it hurts, but I don't believe the pain is nerve-related, at least not the sciatic or lumbar spinal nerves. I suggest you see a Physical Medicine and Rehab doctor." So I saw a PM&R doc at the Mayo--"I'm not sure why it hurts. Let's do another MRI. No, I see no reason you need to limit your activity." After viewing the MRI (which apparently looked remarkably similar to the MRI from a year ago), the PM&R doc recommended I see a sports medicine doc and maybe after that the pain clinic. And the sports medicine doc (also at the Mayo) said (and here's where the "patience" comes in) "I don't think your hamstring ever completely healed on a microscopic level, because of your continued activity. I recommend that you stop all lower body exercise for six months and let it heal."
Six months.
I didn't like the sound of six months, so I asked him what he thought about the pain clinic option. He said I could do it if I wanted, but that his recommendation remained "extended rest."
And, as much as I hate the idea--I'm going to do it. I've spent too much time in pain and too much money on attempted fixes that didn't fix anything; I need to find out if something as simple as resting my leg will work. And now is a great time to start...my leg is really aggravated and painful right now because I (unwisely) ran with the dog a couple of days ago, about an 8-minute mile pace, for...wait for it...about 50 yards. So right now rest sounds like a good idea.
Even if that means resting it for a LONG time.
Actually, the sports medicine doc didn't say I couldn't do any lower body activity--just nothing that hurt. He recommended an elliptical machine or aqua jogging. So the next day I stopped by my local second-hand exercise equipment retailer and hopped on a bunch of their elliptical machines.
They all hurt.
And then the next day I stopped by my local community center and hopped in the pool to give aqua jogging a try.
And it hurt, too.
So it looks like I'm back to the first thing I was allowed to do in rehab: swimming with a pull buoy (no kicking). I'm happy to report that my swimming is slightly better than it was when I first tried it in rehab two years ago, but I'm still not much of a swimmer so the cardio benefit I will gain will be questionable. In addition to the swimming I'll continue to do upper body CrossFit (maybe I'll regain my ability to do a strict pullup!), and walk the dog. And that, for the foreseeable future, will be it for workouts.
I plan to keep a detailed rehab diary (of course I do) reporting pain levels and workouts done. I've rested my leg for six weeks or so a couple of times, and it did improve a bit, but this time I want to know how much it's improving and how fast. Best case, seeing improvement will help make the time off more tolerable; worst case, if it doesn't work I'll have some nice data for the next doctor I see, six months from now.
At any rate, I think it's going to be a bit quiet around the Long Track Life for the next six months.

photo by Steve Penland
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Train or Die
My sister Kristen (formerly known as Energizer Bunny) has been training for the North Shore Inline Marathon all summer. This race, held right along Lake Superior, is my favorite inline event and I've done it probably 10 times in the 21 years its been held (I could count my race shirts and come up with an exact number, but I'm too lazy). The last time I skated this race was in 2013, a year before the hamstring injury. (You can find the thrilling two-part recap of that race here and here.) I haven't skated much since the hammy, and I was out of commission as far as skating is concerned from June 21 through mid-August this summer due to the PRP injection I got in my hamstring, so I hadn't given the North Shore event a thought this year. But then I started joining Kristen on her training skates the third week of August. Er, well, by "joining," I mean that we'd meet at the trailhead, she'd go flying off to do 3-6 laps of the 10K trail loop, and I'd struggle around the loop once or twice. And after the second of these training skates, when I'd completed two loops without too much discomfort, I had a brilliant idea.
"Hey," I thought, "why not do the North Shore?"
I knew that I was in no shape to actually race the event, but I figured, how hard can it be to just finish it? True, it's a full marathon distance--26.2 miles--but it's not like I would have to run it. I'd be on skates. Skates roll. How hard could it be to just keep the skates rolling, in shape or not?
I'll spare you the suspense and answer right now: Hard. Very hard.
True, it's not hard to keep skates rolling--if there are no hills and no headwind. I had forgotten about the hills and the headwind.
Anyway, I kept a close eye on the Duluth weather report as the race day approached. I was waiting to sign up until the last minute, because I really didn't want to skate in the rain (rain is slippery and slippery scares me and my sore hammy). But by Wednesday, the last day to sign up, the weather forecast looked good--only a 15 to 20 percent chance of rain--so I went ahead and paid my money.
I planned to drive up to Duluth the morning of the race, and despite the 5 am departure time, night-owl hubby Jim decided to go with me. So we rolled out of bed at 4 am, fed and walked the dog, and hit the road. (Keira got to stay home this time because it was just a day trip; we weren't going on the the cabin afterwards like we did in 2013). A quick stop in Duluth to pick up my race packet, then on to the starting line in Two Harbors, where the real fun began.
First step: Gear up.
Oh, and she turns 55 next week.
"Hey," I thought, "why not do the North Shore?"
I knew that I was in no shape to actually race the event, but I figured, how hard can it be to just finish it? True, it's a full marathon distance--26.2 miles--but it's not like I would have to run it. I'd be on skates. Skates roll. How hard could it be to just keep the skates rolling, in shape or not?
I'll spare you the suspense and answer right now: Hard. Very hard.
True, it's not hard to keep skates rolling--if there are no hills and no headwind. I had forgotten about the hills and the headwind.
Anyway, I kept a close eye on the Duluth weather report as the race day approached. I was waiting to sign up until the last minute, because I really didn't want to skate in the rain (rain is slippery and slippery scares me and my sore hammy). But by Wednesday, the last day to sign up, the weather forecast looked good--only a 15 to 20 percent chance of rain--so I went ahead and paid my money.
I planned to drive up to Duluth the morning of the race, and despite the 5 am departure time, night-owl hubby Jim decided to go with me. So we rolled out of bed at 4 am, fed and walked the dog, and hit the road. (Keira got to stay home this time because it was just a day trip; we weren't going on the the cabin afterwards like we did in 2013). A quick stop in Duluth to pick up my race packet, then on to the starting line in Two Harbors, where the real fun began.
First step: Gear up.
Putting on my pile of protective gear. See those purple lines
on my left knee? Those are the scars from when I crashed and
avulsed my right hammy. Too bad I didn't wear kneepads that day...
but I won't make that mistake ever again!
Then I wandered up to the start line. For the first time ever, I was starting in a "Recreational" wave (and not even the fastest of the three rec waves), rather than an "Advanced" wave; I had guessed at what time I'd likely finish in, and the two hours I was guessing put me right at the slow end of Rec 2. And Rec was a whole different world than Advanced. Way more people, way fewer skinsuits (I had opted not to wear mine, feeling that I wasn't really worthy of the skintight spandex), way fewer "race faces" and way more costumes--there was a cowboy, some grass skirts, and even a few Minions.
I wasn't concerned about the lack of spandex or the Halloween-like feel of the wave...but the number of skaters was making me nervous. And when the horn sounded and Rec 2 was turned loose, it was just as bad as I'd feared. People darted everywhere at all different speeds, some attempting to get up to speed as quickly as possible with others randomly applying their brakes whenever they felt that the downhill start was propelling them along past the pace they were comfortable with. Being a bit of a wuss, I quickly headed to the shoulder of the road, where almost no one was skating. Finally, after a couple miles of shoulder-hugging I could see that the crowd had thinned enough that I felt safe rejoining main road and settling into my pace.
Since I had only trained a total of 31.2 miles for a 26.2 mile race, I wanted to be careful not to go out too fast. So I trudged along at what seemed like a reasonable pace--although my heart rate monitor, which was showing mid-180's, seemed to be saying otherwise. I was mostly skating solo, which was not fun with the headwind, but I couldn't seem to find a paceline to hook up with. At one point I talked two guys who were also skating solo into joining together with me and forming a small paceline--but after I'd pulled once and rotated to the back they took off and I couldn't keep up, and I was by myself again. I skated, and skated, and skated. I was out of breath and my chest hurt and my random heart arrhythmia seemed to be acting up again. My heart rate was high and my hamstring hurt more than I expected it to (but it was quite managable), and it seemed like I'd been skating for hours.
And then I went by the "5 mile" marker.
Damn. 21 more of these to go? What did I get myself into?
So I skated some more, and somewhere around the 9 mile mark I mostly abandoned any attempt to do anything but survive. No trying to skate hard up hills, no trying to join onto pacelines, no concern about anything but just keeping going.
And then it started to rain.
Fortunately the road surface wasn't actually too slippery when wet, and since I'd skated this event in the rain before I knew to stay off the painted lines and turn arrows, which become as slick as ice when rained on. I was still occasionally taken by surprise by a slippery "tar snake," but since I wasn't pushing too hard my skate wouldn't slide too far before I got control of it.
So I slogged on, sunglasses fogged and dripping, heart rate no longer high because I simply didn't have the energy to skate hard anymore. I chatted briefly with a couple other skaters near me as I trudged along, and I watched many people that I had passed in the first couple miles of the race pass me back. This included the two girls in grass skirts and leis, as well as three Minions. You know things are not going well when you get passed by Minions.
Finally, we entered the city of Duluth. By this time my lower legs--whose little "stabilizer muscles" hadn't had this much work in two years--were so sore and tired I was having trouble controlling my skates when I set them down. I was extremely grateful that the I-35 tunnels had been re-paved and now had smooth asphalt instead of the bone-jarring grooved concrete they'd had for the past 10 years or so; I was pretty sure that, as tired and sore as my legs were, I would have crashed at least once on the old cheese-grater surface. But when I got to the tunnels, I got a surprise almost as good as the smooth new asphalt: both tunnels had live bands in them. Playing 80's music. I cruised through the first tunnel to "Radar Love," and the second to the Cars' "Just What I Needed." I gave the second band a thumbs-up as I wobbled past and shouted "you guys are just what I needed," but I'm pretty sure they didn't hear me. Do you know how loud a band in a concrete tunnel is?
The unexpected music gave me just enough of a boost to make it up the final hill on the freeway exit ramp. Then a nervous coast down the final downhill, around the left turn at the bottom, and finally, 2 hours and 7 minutes after I started, over the finish line.
After I wobbled around a bit I found Jim and Kristen, and Kristen's husband Tom (formerly known as Sherpa Boy). Kristen, it turned out, had had a great race. She not only won her age group, but she was the third woman overall in the race--yes, including the pros.Since I had only trained a total of 31.2 miles for a 26.2 mile race, I wanted to be careful not to go out too fast. So I trudged along at what seemed like a reasonable pace--although my heart rate monitor, which was showing mid-180's, seemed to be saying otherwise. I was mostly skating solo, which was not fun with the headwind, but I couldn't seem to find a paceline to hook up with. At one point I talked two guys who were also skating solo into joining together with me and forming a small paceline--but after I'd pulled once and rotated to the back they took off and I couldn't keep up, and I was by myself again. I skated, and skated, and skated. I was out of breath and my chest hurt and my random heart arrhythmia seemed to be acting up again. My heart rate was high and my hamstring hurt more than I expected it to (but it was quite managable), and it seemed like I'd been skating for hours.
And then I went by the "5 mile" marker.
Damn. 21 more of these to go? What did I get myself into?
So I skated some more, and somewhere around the 9 mile mark I mostly abandoned any attempt to do anything but survive. No trying to skate hard up hills, no trying to join onto pacelines, no concern about anything but just keeping going.
And then it started to rain.
Fortunately the road surface wasn't actually too slippery when wet, and since I'd skated this event in the rain before I knew to stay off the painted lines and turn arrows, which become as slick as ice when rained on. I was still occasionally taken by surprise by a slippery "tar snake," but since I wasn't pushing too hard my skate wouldn't slide too far before I got control of it.
So I slogged on, sunglasses fogged and dripping, heart rate no longer high because I simply didn't have the energy to skate hard anymore. I chatted briefly with a couple other skaters near me as I trudged along, and I watched many people that I had passed in the first couple miles of the race pass me back. This included the two girls in grass skirts and leis, as well as three Minions. You know things are not going well when you get passed by Minions.
Finally, we entered the city of Duluth. By this time my lower legs--whose little "stabilizer muscles" hadn't had this much work in two years--were so sore and tired I was having trouble controlling my skates when I set them down. I was extremely grateful that the I-35 tunnels had been re-paved and now had smooth asphalt instead of the bone-jarring grooved concrete they'd had for the past 10 years or so; I was pretty sure that, as tired and sore as my legs were, I would have crashed at least once on the old cheese-grater surface. But when I got to the tunnels, I got a surprise almost as good as the smooth new asphalt: both tunnels had live bands in them. Playing 80's music. I cruised through the first tunnel to "Radar Love," and the second to the Cars' "Just What I Needed." I gave the second band a thumbs-up as I wobbled past and shouted "you guys are just what I needed," but I'm pretty sure they didn't hear me. Do you know how loud a band in a concrete tunnel is?
The unexpected music gave me just enough of a boost to make it up the final hill on the freeway exit ramp. Then a nervous coast down the final downhill, around the left turn at the bottom, and finally, 2 hours and 7 minutes after I started, over the finish line.
Just enough energy left for a smile and a thumbs-up.
And if it looks like I'm trying not to fall over, that's
because I'm trying not to fall over.
Oh, and she turns 55 next week.
Kristen is the petite one on top of the podium.
And now, a day later, my legs are sore. Very sore. But my hamstring feels surprisingly good. Good enough that I want to do this race again next year.
But next time I'll train for it.
Saturday, September 3, 2016
OH, That's Right...I Have a Blog!
(First off, I'd like to welcome any fellow "Hamsters" who found their way here from my link on the FB group "Proximal Hamstring Avulsion and Surgery," which I recently joined. The first few years of my blog are mostly concerned with speedskating and then CrossFit, but starting August 25, 2014, there are a lot of hamstring-related posts (and whining). Hopefully reading this will help while away a few hours for those of you who are enduring those mind-numbingly boring days post-surgery...and who knows, if you have enough of the "good" pain meds, you might even find me funny!)
So where did I leave off on blogging? Oh, yeah...14 months ago, in a post about the Granite Games. And where have I been these past 14 months?
I think the most likely answer is "mildly depressed."
During the summer of 2015, I had been dealing with my hamstring issues (one year post op and still having pain that no one could diagnose and that prohibited me from speedskating and made CrossFit--and daily activities such as walking, sitting, and driving--painful), as well as family issues relating to my dad's progressing language loss and dementia. I think it finally caught up to me in late August.
A month or so after my last post, from July of 2015, I did another CrossFit competition. It went fine, and it was a partner comp so it wasn't even too difficult. I took a couple days off from working out after the comp, even though I wasn't too sore or tired...but when I went back to CrossFit after my time off, things were different. My workouts were horrible, and not in the performance sense but in the "feel" sense. Rather than trying for one more rep or five more pounds, I frequently found myself, midWOD, wanting nothing more than to drop the bar and crawl into a corner for a nap. In fact, I did quit in the middle of a WOD more than once. And I didn't just feel that way in the gym..."real life" was a struggle, as well. Not wanting to work out, not feeling motivated or energetic at work, being crabby much of the time, and drowning my sorrows in junk food and Diet Dew. And that's how things went for all of September and October
Finally, I got sick of it. A CrossFit coach had talked about adrenal fatigue with me when I told him how I was feeling, and when I mentioned it to my chiropractor he said "yeah, I've told you that before...you practically scream adrenal fatigue." So at the end of October I got on some supplements for adrenal fatigue, took six weeks off from CrossFit, and started trying to get more sleep. (I know, I know...eating healthy is also important for adrenal fatigue. I'm still working on that part). I also got sick of having menopause symptoms, so in the late fall I went on hormone replacement for that as well.
I figured I should be feeling better in no time.
So I tried a bit of speedskating when the rink opened in November, but quickly realized that it was still far too painful--which was not a happy realization. And then right after I started going back to CrossFit in mid-December, things got difficult for my parents and I had to help them move out of their northern Minnesota home and into a townhome in the Twin Cities. Shortly after that we realized that my dad needed more care than my mom could provide, and we had to move him into memory care and help my mom deal with her new life living alone. After that came many, many months of working to get my dad qualified for Medical Assistance.
Safe to say, those were some stressful months and I did not start feeling better.
And what about the hammy all this time? Well, it continued to misbehave and I continued to try to get the ongoing pain diagnosed. I have now, two years post surgery, consulted four orthopedic surgeons, one sports medicine doctor, multiple radiologists, at least five physical therapists, a chiropractor, and a neurologist. I have had soft tissue work, acupuncture, multiple courses of PT, eccentric strengthening exercises, a trial of ARP wave therapy, several extended breaks from working out, two PRP injections, two weeks on crutches after the second PRP injection, and a whole lot of frustration. None of the health care practitioners have been able to diagnose the pain, and none of the interventions I've tried have helped at all.
It's been a long 14 months since my last blog post.
I'm a teacher, so summer is always a time of relaxation...but even summer didn't seem to help much this year, at least not at first. And the first two-thirds of the summer was taken up with rehabbing from the PRP injection I had in June, which prevented me from working out for almost two months. Finally, though, a couple weeks ago, after all the activity restrictions from my PRP injection had been lifted and I was freed from the rehab PT and I started going to CrossFit and even inline skating a bit, I came to a realization.
I'm happy again.
I've gone off the adrenal fatigue supplements, and I do think that they helped and that I did have some fatigue issues...but I think I also had some depression issues. And I don't think they went away until very recently. As for why I'm feeling better, and why now, I'm not sure...maybe I've just adjusted to things. Dealing with my dad's dementia is still hard, but I try to focus on the good stuff, like the way his face lights up when I walk into his room. I still can't speedskate, but I can inline skate, which is fun but a bit scary since that's how I hurt myself. There's a bit more of me--like 15 pounds more--to lug around the CrossFit gym, but I'm having fun getting back into doing the WOD's again after a summer mostly spent doing PT and a few upper body exercises. So right now, it's all good (and if a teacher can say that three days before school starts, you know things are going well!)
So who knows how long it will be until the next blog post...but if I stay happy, hopefully it won't be another 14 months!
So where did I leave off on blogging? Oh, yeah...14 months ago, in a post about the Granite Games. And where have I been these past 14 months?
I think the most likely answer is "mildly depressed."
During the summer of 2015, I had been dealing with my hamstring issues (one year post op and still having pain that no one could diagnose and that prohibited me from speedskating and made CrossFit--and daily activities such as walking, sitting, and driving--painful), as well as family issues relating to my dad's progressing language loss and dementia. I think it finally caught up to me in late August.
A month or so after my last post, from July of 2015, I did another CrossFit competition. It went fine, and it was a partner comp so it wasn't even too difficult. I took a couple days off from working out after the comp, even though I wasn't too sore or tired...but when I went back to CrossFit after my time off, things were different. My workouts were horrible, and not in the performance sense but in the "feel" sense. Rather than trying for one more rep or five more pounds, I frequently found myself, midWOD, wanting nothing more than to drop the bar and crawl into a corner for a nap. In fact, I did quit in the middle of a WOD more than once. And I didn't just feel that way in the gym..."real life" was a struggle, as well. Not wanting to work out, not feeling motivated or energetic at work, being crabby much of the time, and drowning my sorrows in junk food and Diet Dew. And that's how things went for all of September and October
Finally, I got sick of it. A CrossFit coach had talked about adrenal fatigue with me when I told him how I was feeling, and when I mentioned it to my chiropractor he said "yeah, I've told you that before...you practically scream adrenal fatigue." So at the end of October I got on some supplements for adrenal fatigue, took six weeks off from CrossFit, and started trying to get more sleep. (I know, I know...eating healthy is also important for adrenal fatigue. I'm still working on that part). I also got sick of having menopause symptoms, so in the late fall I went on hormone replacement for that as well.
I figured I should be feeling better in no time.
So I tried a bit of speedskating when the rink opened in November, but quickly realized that it was still far too painful--which was not a happy realization. And then right after I started going back to CrossFit in mid-December, things got difficult for my parents and I had to help them move out of their northern Minnesota home and into a townhome in the Twin Cities. Shortly after that we realized that my dad needed more care than my mom could provide, and we had to move him into memory care and help my mom deal with her new life living alone. After that came many, many months of working to get my dad qualified for Medical Assistance.
Safe to say, those were some stressful months and I did not start feeling better.
And what about the hammy all this time? Well, it continued to misbehave and I continued to try to get the ongoing pain diagnosed. I have now, two years post surgery, consulted four orthopedic surgeons, one sports medicine doctor, multiple radiologists, at least five physical therapists, a chiropractor, and a neurologist. I have had soft tissue work, acupuncture, multiple courses of PT, eccentric strengthening exercises, a trial of ARP wave therapy, several extended breaks from working out, two PRP injections, two weeks on crutches after the second PRP injection, and a whole lot of frustration. None of the health care practitioners have been able to diagnose the pain, and none of the interventions I've tried have helped at all.
It's been a long 14 months since my last blog post.
I'm a teacher, so summer is always a time of relaxation...but even summer didn't seem to help much this year, at least not at first. And the first two-thirds of the summer was taken up with rehabbing from the PRP injection I had in June, which prevented me from working out for almost two months. Finally, though, a couple weeks ago, after all the activity restrictions from my PRP injection had been lifted and I was freed from the rehab PT and I started going to CrossFit and even inline skating a bit, I came to a realization.
I'm happy again.
I've gone off the adrenal fatigue supplements, and I do think that they helped and that I did have some fatigue issues...but I think I also had some depression issues. And I don't think they went away until very recently. As for why I'm feeling better, and why now, I'm not sure...maybe I've just adjusted to things. Dealing with my dad's dementia is still hard, but I try to focus on the good stuff, like the way his face lights up when I walk into his room. I still can't speedskate, but I can inline skate, which is fun but a bit scary since that's how I hurt myself. There's a bit more of me--like 15 pounds more--to lug around the CrossFit gym, but I'm having fun getting back into doing the WOD's again after a summer mostly spent doing PT and a few upper body exercises. So right now, it's all good (and if a teacher can say that three days before school starts, you know things are going well!)
So who knows how long it will be until the next blog post...but if I stay happy, hopefully it won't be another 14 months!
Chunky and covered with protective gear,
but ready to roll!
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