photo by Steve Penland

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Pity Party Number...oh, I don't know...Twenty?

If this post had bullet points like the last one did, there would be a lot more in the "bad" category than the "good."  In fact, pretty much everything from last week's "good" category has now moved into the "bad."  When I went to PT the day after I wrote my previous post, I complained to  PT TieGuy (remember, he's my old skating coach Coach TieGuy's brother) that my leg hurt a fair amount, a fair amount of the time.  Now, I'd cleared with him pretty much everything I was doing, before I started doing it...but when he had me run through the whole list of what I'd been up to in workouts--Burpees and squats and rowing and running and box step-ups and a little skating dryland--well, he told me to stop it.  All of it.  No Burpees or squats or rowing or dryland or box step ups.  Oh, he did let me keep the running...all 200 yards of it that I can do.

Apparently, I've been overdoing it a bit.

Really, I think it would have been fine if I hadn't fallen five weeks ago...but I did fall and it's not fine.  I have read of other people with my injury who were running 3-5 miles at this point in their recovery, so I really don't think that what I was doing would have been out of line without that additional fall. But I did fall and apparently my hammy was not happy with my increasing its workload, so I'm back to extremely limited lower body work...except that now, I can't do elliptical or go swimming for a cardio workout because I, in my infinite wisdom, decided I was far enough along in my recovery that I could cancel my Lifetime Fitness membership.  Oops.

We did figure some things out at PT today, though.  It seems that the inner thigh pain I've had ever since the injury is likely the hamstring muscle that I tore (as opposed to the one that I tore off the bone, which is reattached at a location away from the pain), which is still healing. And the pain on my outer thigh--again, away from the attachment site--is likely from walking with a limp for a couple weeks.  And, of course, the pain at the attachment site is, well, from the attachment.  So it's nice to have that all explained.  Even if it does still hurt.

Bottom line, though, is that I'm not allowed to do anything fun--no Burpees or squats or skating or rowing--until my injured leg has the same range of motion as my non-injured leg.  Which, based on current stiffness, could be at least a month if not more.  I had hoped that in the ten days of rest I'd taken since my last PT appointment, my hammy would have improved enough that today my PT would have lifted the restrictions.  But he didn't, and so, upon hearing that, I reacted with my usual cheery optimism and appropriate coping behavior.

In other words, I swore extensively and then went and ate a donut.  And an ice cream cone.

So for the foreseeable future it's back to my upperbody workouts at CrossFit, with a little jogging and maybe some elliptical if I can find a time to get to the cardio room at the high school (free for school staff!).  On the plus side, my pullups are coming along nicely...I did 75 kipping pullups in a WOD the other day, mostly one at a time...and given the 7 pounds I've put on since I hit the recliner, I'd say that means my arms are pretty strong!  Which is good, because until I can start skating and doing lower body stuff at CrossFit, my arms are going to be responsible for keeping me exercised, sane, and out of the cookie jar.

I hope they're up to the job.

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