photo by Steve Penland

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Wow, Am I Tired!

Thursday is interval day.  You can tell I'm tired because it's 5:45 on a Thursday afternoon and I'm sitting at the computer typing instead of going round and round the oval doing an interval workout. I truly intended to do intervals today--at 6:00 this morning I packed up my skates and my skating clothes and my Clif bar for before skating and my bottle for my recovery drink for after skating.  By the time I left work at 3:45, though, I had made the executive decision to drive straight home and spend the evening surfing the couch and the computer rather than fighting traffic, skate park punks, and fatigue.

I guess I have plenty of reasons to be tired.  I'm a teacher, and we're in the last two weeks of school.  Everyone is getting squirrelly and sassy and is ready to be done for the summer--and that's just the teachers.  Last weekend didn't help much in the rest-and-relaxation department, because the Hubster and I spent Memorial Weekend at my parents' place in Grand Marais; we headed out on the five-and-a-half-hour drive at 7 pm Friday, and headed for home at 4:00 pm  Monday, so we pretty much used up every minute of the long weekend.   Fortunately it was the end of my "easy week," so I didn't have any workouts over the weekend.  Once Tuesday came, though, it was back to work and back to the oval.  I did a (mercifully short) endurance workout on Tuesday--5x4 minutes, which, at my pace, meant 5x5 laps.  It was OK--not super duper, not mega crappy--just a very windy endurance workout that I dutifully trudged through.  And then last night, the Summer Inline Series races started.

I didn't really feel ready for a race yesterday, but my workout plan called for tempos, which means laps at race pace, so doing the tempos in a "real" race seemed reasonable.  The SIS is being run by Local Skateshop Boy (LSB) again, after being run by a couple of different groups over the past two years.  LSB tends to lean more towards having us do longer races rather than the sprints we've been doing the last couple of years, so I thought it was likely that the races would fit right into my workout schedule.  Unfortunately, LSB had a bit higher aspirations for the racers than some of us did for ourselves.  Since attendance at the race was light (as in, there were only two of us in the women's class), I was able to whine my way into getting him to reduce the length of the races persuade him that a 4 lap and 7 lap race was really a better plan for the women than the 8 lap and 10 lap races that he initially proposed. And it's a good thing I did.  My (what I presume is a) heart arrhythmia reappeared in lap 3 of the 4 lap race and laps 3, 6, and 7 of the 7 lap race, leading to laps 6 and 7 being what I believe are the slowest laps I've ever turned in for that distance: 51.7 and 51.8 seconds.

At least I was consistent.

But now I'm tired.  I still need to do my interval workout, so that will happen tomorrow, after work and the chiropractor.  I've got a lot to do this weekend, including a recovery skate, some stuff for school, and all the cleaning/laundry/grocery shopping that didn't get done last weekend when we were out of town (I swear, I don't know how people that have kids do it.  It's hard enough keeping up with stuff with just me and the Hubster and the dog--and the Hubster does a ton of stuff around the house.  The dog just sheds and drools on the Pergo flooring and spits her dogfood on the carpet before she eats it,  though, so she's not so helpful.)  I also need to decide if I'm going to pursue figuring out what this heart-arrhythmia-or-whatever is.  I had kind of hoped it would just go away during March and April when I wasn't skating, but no such luck, so I'll have to spend some time figuring out what my next step is.  Then next week I have a horrifically long endurance workout, a long tempo workout, and intervals...and then probably a half-marathon out of town Saturday morning.  In addition to the last week of school.

So I have plenty to do to keep me really tired for at least another week.


  1. I came to this blog tonight looking for a race report, glad you obliged! ;) Sorry to hear about the poor turnout. I will definitely try to leave work early next time. As it was, we were extremely un-busy at the shop last night, so I totally should have blown out early anyways!! grr...P.S. did you happen to mention off-hand to Adam why I wasn't there, or should I just contact him? :D

  2. Well, it wasn't much of a race report...more of an extended whine with a passing mention of the race :-) I didn't mention your absence to Adam; sorry, didn't think of it! Hope to see you out there next time, although, if I'm still throwing down 51's, you'll lap me in anything longer than about an 800!
