And (drumroll)...Boompa!
Yes, we spent last weekend at my parents'...and yes, they have another (their fourth!) dog. His name is...well, I'm not sure how it's spelled, but it's pronounced "Boompa." It's supposed to be Norwegian for "butt" (yes, my parents named their dog Butt.) I'm guessing there's an umlaut or something involved...
Anyway, it was a fun weekend. Boompa is tiny... in "the size of my mom's shoe" tiny...
...but tough.
His bad-habit training is coming along nicely...
already begging at the table!
And, of course, Keira was relatively unimpressed (after her initial attempt to pounce on him like a squeaky toy)
"Really? You're taking this thing for a walk?"
In fact, Keira spent much of her time attempting unsuccessfully to wedge herself into the coveted camo-pink bolster bed...
I enjoyed strolls with my parents and the pack...
...while the Hubster did some work...
Yes, she still thinks his tractor's sexy.
All in all, a fun (if dog-filled) weekend.
And now, I must go pack for camp!
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