photo by Steve Penland

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Time For Some More Bullet Points!

It's the weekend before my last week of school.  It has rained here (I believe) nine out of the last twelve days.

These two facts should give you sufficient information about how things are going here in Longtracksville, but as usual, I feel the need to say a lot more about very little.  So, bring on the bullet points!

  • It's a little-known fact that, along with vultures, hyenas, and carrion beetles, elementary school teachers are some of the most effective scavengers on the planet.  Put food--especially food containing sugar--in the staff lounge and within minutes it will be reduced to a plate of lonely crumbs.  End-of-the-school-year is a particularly good time to scavenge; everyone has some sort of celebration going on,  all seem to involve food, and most eventually result in a lot of leftovers making their way to the staff lounge.  Yesterday we scored "make your own trail mix" (this was part of the regular every-other-Friday "treat day"), cookies, pizza, brownies, chocolate-dipped pretzels, and muffins.  I hope my "fat pants" can hold out for another week, because my willpower certainly can't!
  • On a related note, I'm still enjoying the increased fruit, vegetable, and protein consumption afforded by my Nutribullet blender.  I'm just adding a lot of treats to it when I get to school.
  • Rain.  Lots and lots of rain.  I'm getting sick of rain.  Still, so far I've managed to get in all of my workouts.  I can't do the spacing I'd like--last week was three days off, then four days in a row of skating--and some oval workouts have to be moved to the trails because the trails dry faster than the oval and often there's precious little "dry time" before the next rain.  This week I may end up one workout short, though, depending on how closely the actual weather adheres to the dire forecast.  As I type this, I'm switching back and forth from blog to the skatetheoval website (with its live "how wet is the oval?" webcam) to see when I need to head out to do Tuesday's endurance workout (yes, today is Saturday).
  •  Because of the rain, I actually did a dryland workout on Thursday. I'm blaming Mel; she said the oval was fairly dry so I headed out after school, only to drive into a downpour about five miles from the oval.  Since it's an hour drive in bad traffic, and the return trip would be just as bad if I didn't wait at least an hour for traffic to die down, I decided that as long as I was there I might as well do dryland.  So I did, and it went fine (only 10 minutes of down time, though).  So--thanks, Mel!
  • The rainy weather is wreaking havoc with my ability to time my thyroid meds for workouts.  The best timing seems to be a dose four hours and another three hours before a workout.  What with suddenly impending rain and a slowly-drying oval, I've had to move workouts up or back by several hours, thus totally hosing my med timing.  And I've definitely felt it, with a few notably sluggish workouts.
  • Nets!  We have nets!  The oval has finally done what I've been begging them to do for years--they pull the nets that go between the track and the skate park.  So now there's a barrier (at least for half the straightaway) between me and the Skate Park Punks.  Five year old with skateboard wobbling down the ramp five feet from the track?  No problem--he's on the other side of a net!  Teenage punks  want to start their run-up to a ramp from the middle of the track halfway around the blind corner?  No problem--they can't, there's a net!  Kid falls off his board and the board is headed right for the track? No problem--there's a net!  
See the net that ends just past the blue garbage can?  Now that right there is a beautiful sight!

And now, the oval is close to dry...time to head out for some endurance work!

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