photo by Steve Penland

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Easy Week

I'm sitting at the Oval, where I'll be for the next three hours--and I'm not going to skate.


I'm in the middle of "Easy Week," which means that the only oval workout I'll do this week is the  Wednesday night races tomorrow.  That, a Crossfit workout on Friday, and a couple easy recovery skates will complete Easy Week.

Still, Easy Week or no, I wouldn't usually pass up the opportunity to skate. I'm here at the oval for the monthly meeting of the Greater MN Speedskating Association, and since the Hubster had a meeting on this side of town as well, and his meeting starts an hour and a half before mine does, I've got some time to kill here.  Normally I'd just skate around easy, maybe do a couple technique drills, and just generally not waste the opportunity to skate on the oval.  But my hamstring, which has been bugging me for seven months now, and which I'm going to PT for, took great exception to the running sprints in a recent Crossfit workout and I need to do everything I can to help it heal during Easy Week--which means no unplanned skating sessions, and which may even mean no races tomorrow night, depending on how the hamstring feels when I skate my warmup laps.

Still, despite the nice weather and the fact that I haven't skated for six days, I'm not too sorry to be  sitting inside typing instead of being outside skating.  The oval is particularly skate-park-punk infested today.  I'd show you a picture--I even took one--but I'm  typing this on my parents' iPad which just became our iPad, and I don't know how to get the picture I took into this post. So you'll just have to imagine the bikers and skateboarders swarming all over the track.

Really.  It's horrific.

So I'll  continue to rest, and enjoy Easy Week, and hope that by the time I start the hard oval workouts again next Monday, the hamstring will be happy to participate  without complaining.

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