photo by Steve Penland

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How Did My Legs Get to SLC Without Me?

This weekend (as in, right now) is the Masters Long Track camp in Salt Lake City.  I went last year and the year before and had a blast, but the timing this year is not good for me; it's hard to take two days off so early in the school year.  So I regretfully decided not to go this year.  I was sorry to miss it--two ice workouts and  two "learn the technique but you're gonna do some work in the process" dryland, slideboard and turncable workouts a day for four days, led by ever-enthusiastic and energetic Olympic Gold medal winner Derek Parra.  A great time and a great learning experience--but also an event guaranteed to leave you sore as heck by the time you get back on the plane on Sunday.

However, after last Saturday's North Shore Inline Marathon, Crossfit on Monday, a 13-hour work day on Tuesday that precluded working out, Crossfit again Wednesday and Thursday (rain kept me off the oval), and an endurance oval skate on Friday followed by a hockey game Friday night, by the time I got out of bed this morning my legs were convinced that they'd just spent the last few days doing Derek's workouts.

Yup, sore and tired.

But a good sore and tired.  Workouts are going well, I'm getting stronger, and I'm thinking about going to Milwaukee next weekend to try a Time Trial.  So even though I didn't make it to the camp this year, things are going well.  So far, so good--and only seven weeks or so until the ice season!

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