photo by Steve Penland

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Damn Germs, and Other Bullet Points

(I seem to be gravitating to the bullet point format lately.  I think this means that I either don't have much to say, or I can't stay focused long enough to write a "real" blog post.  Oh, well).
  • I am now officially sick for the second time since school started Sept. 3.  I almost always get sick sometime in September or October, but I think this is a record for me.  The first one was a mild, fairly short cold; this one has a bit more sinus punch.  Both chose to show up the week before I was planning a Milwaukee skating weekend, resulting in my not having been back on ice since my cornering epiphany in August.  I need to get back down there soon and prove to myself that my improved technique was not just a fluke (the better cornering technique doesn't seem to have the same impact when inlining).  Maybe the first weekend in November...if I'm not sick again by then.

  • Between illness and parent/teacher conferences, I haven't skated again since my really successful endurance outing on Tuesday.  I hope to get to the oval today or tomorrow, though, to do my interval workout for the week, since tomorrow is the last day of the oval inline season.  That means that ice can't be far off!
  • The loosely-organize MN Masters Speedskating club has now officially joined the Plymouth Wazata Speedskating Club, which is soon to be re-named Twin City Speedskating (yes, the one I wrote about coaching with here).  After US Speedskating sent me an email asking for our club's non-existent officer's names, plus minutes from our non-existent meetings and a copy of our non-existent bylaws, I realized that turning "loosely organized" into "official club" was a lot more work than I was ready for.  So when the guy from TCSS who talked to me about coaching also mentioned having our club become a group in their club, I thought it was a fine idea. MN Masters officially joined Twin City Speedskating last Sunday, and I am the masters liaison on the board.  Check out TCSS at their website  (still with the old name), and if you're a skater over 30 in the Twin Cities area who wants to do either long or short track...this is the place!
  • I'm still loving CrossFit (yes, I did just notice that the "F" should be capitalized).  In fact, the other day Hubster accused me of becoming "obsessed" by it.  Good. That obsession is what keeps me skating, so if I also get obsessed about something that gets my abs and upper body much the better.  And I did a skating dryland workout last weekend for the first time in several months and was way less sore than I usually am from "first dryland" workouts--so there seems to be some carryover of CrossFit workouts to skating.

  • In other news, I turn 50 a week from today.  I'll wait until then to convey my thoughts on the matter...

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