There. Happy?)
For quite some time, I've suspected that I have some degree of hearing loss. The Hubster is always turning down the TV and I'm always turning it back up; I find myself saying "what" an awful lot; and last time I visited my parents, I had to keep asking my 73-year-old mother what the people on TV were saying--and she always could tell me. So I had already mentally penciled "get hearing checked" on my to-do list for the summer. While I'm pretty sure I have some amount of loss, maybe just in certain frequencies, it hasn't been irritating enough to rise past the level of "I'll get around to it this summer" on the urgency scale. That, however, may have changed today.
Today, my hearing issues became a pain in the ass.
After a nice three-day "recovery weekend" at my parents' place (sorry, no dog pictures this time. I actually forgot to take any!) I went to CrossFit today. I knew I wouldn't be able to do the first part of the class--max handstand pushups and max pullups--because of my shoulder pain. I also knew that CoachBoy 3 is very good at figuring out replacement exercises for me, so I wasn't too concerned. I was sure I'd end up doing something just as hideous challenging as the stuff the rest of the class was doing.
It was a big class, and fortunately there was a coach trainee (who shall become CoachBoy 4) also in attendance. Due to the 13 athletes milling around during warmup and the usual music blaring, I had a hard time hearing when I asked CoachBoy 3 what my tasks would be. I managed to hear "max wall sit" and "max unbroken situps," though, and so I figured I was ready to go. The women were assigned to CoachBoy 4 for the pullup test (and in my case the situps) while the men went with CoachBoy 3 for the handstand pushups.
All the other women finished the pullups, and then it was my turn for my situp test. I had, of course, grabbed an Abmat; I never even do warmup situps without one. Based on how my abs felt during a situp-intensive WOD last week, I figured I'd be good for about 50 before I had to stop and rest, so I started off on a brisk pace, CoachBoy 4 diligently counting each situp for me.
I got to 50, and kept going. By this time the other women were also counting and cheering me on as they waited their turn for the handstand pushups.
I got to 80, and then 90. And then CoachBoy 3 was yelling for the women to do the handstands, and for CoachBoy 4 to come and count pullups for the men.
100, 101, 102... "keep going," CoachBoy 4 tossed over his shoulder as he headed off to pullup-land.
135, 136...damn, didn't know I could do this many. 155, 156...I'm really getting sick of this. Hmmm, I'm starting to feel some...irritation. In the "low back" area. The very low back area. Damn, I thought, this is not going to "end" well.
165, 166...nope, didn't get 166. 165 it officially is!
CoachBoy 3 gave me a very strange look when I told him I had done 165 situps.
"I said 'max in a minute,'" he said.
Well, "max in a minute" is a whole different situation from "max unbroken." A considerably less painful situation, I'm guessing. I had heard of CrossFitters getting "monkeybutt" from situp-heavy WODs (and indeed, we had our own version of "monkeybutt" when the Hubster and I rode long distance cross-country offroad motorcycle races), but I had never experienced it. It's exactly as unpleasant as you'd think it is. And it's looking like my little mis-hearing incident will be the gift that keeps on giving, because tomorrow's WOD also has situps. 100 of them.
So I think it's time to get my hearing checked, before it becomes an even bigger pain in the butt.
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