photo by Steve Penland

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Best. Roller Derby Name. Ever.

Seen on the back of a T-shirt on a roller derby guy at the oval last night:


OK, the humor in this relies on you understanding that a) roller derby names attempt to take a common name or phrase and imbue it with a tinge of mayhem and malice; and b) that I live in Minnesota, where one of our Minnesota Twins baseball team sluggers is Justin Morneau.  Even knowing a) and b), I guess, does not guarantee that you'll find the name funny (the Hubster was unimpressed), but I thought it was hilarious.

Of course, my humor could have been helped along by the fact that I was in the middle of a pretty good interval workout when I saw the shirt.  That's right, the intervals went well (well, except for the one 600 meters where I got the heart arrhythmia).  I felt good, I skated hard, my average lap time was faster than it was for this workout last year at this time.  In fact, the only tiny fly in the ointment was the earworm  I inexplicably developed--the old Air Supply tune "All Out of Love."  I haven't heard that song in years and wasn't particularly fond of it when I did hear it, so I'm not quite sure where it came from or why it got stuck in my head...but if that's the worst the workout had to offer, I'll take it!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's hysterical but after our dog name conversation, you probably already knew that.

    Way to go on the workout!
