photo by Steve Penland

Friday, September 13, 2013

NSIM in the AM

Tomorrow morning (very, very early tomorrow morning) the Hubster and the hound and I head north so I can skate the North Shore Inline Marathon.  Last year's NSIM was one of the most fun things I've ever done, so I'm hoping for a repeat performance.  To increase the odds of having an incredible amount of fun, I figured I should look at last year's detailing of how I prepped (in other words: ate and dressed) for the race. Thankfully I was nauseatingly detailed reasonably thorough in my recounting of my previous pre-race preparations, so I am now properly equipped for tomorrow with blueberry poptarts and softball sliding shorts in my gear bag.

I've also packed enough caffeine to wire the crew of a battleship.

Although my main goal is to have fun, I'll admit that secretly I'm hoping to turn in a relatively good time, as well.  My training has gone much better this year than last, my thyroid has behaved itself all summer, and I've had a couple of really good trail skates recently, where I've gone faster than I thought I could.  Maybe, just maybe, this will translate into a good race.

So bring on 4 am... good race or just fun race, I'm ready!

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