photo by Steve Penland

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

It's Like Meatloaf Says...

...two out of three ain't bad.

Except when the "one" really, truly sucks.

 (And yes, I realize I'm dating myself with the title.  If you don't understand it, you clearly need a refresher on '70's pop music.)

Today got off to a very ambitious start: three workouts completed by 10:30 am. Well, actually only one of them was a true workout.  Workout #1 was short track with Sprinter Boy; short track is not a true workout for me because my fitness far exceeds my skill and guts in the small rink. This is much more a testament to my lack of skill and guts than it is to my fitness level, but whatever.  Workout #1 went great (despite starting at 5:40 am)-Sprinter Boy always has great suggestions and technique tips, and it was fun to be back on the ice, even if it was only short track.

Practicing one-foot glides...I actually don't look too bad.  Except for the goofy arm swing I'm using to keep my balance.

Likewise, Workout #2 was barely a workout.  I had time to kill between short track and Workout #3, CrossFit, so I decided to pop down to the oval and jog on the indoor track for a bit.  First I took the obligatory "doesn't the oval look sad without snow" picture, and then I jogged a 9-something-minute mile.
Again, no problem.


It was at the real workout of the day, CrossFit, that the wheels came off.  The warmup row was fine, and the strength part of the workout--back squats at 75-80% of our ORM (One Rep Max) EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute--CrossFit has as many abbreviations as special ed does) for 10 minutes--was OK. I thought the squats felt heavy, but CoachBoy 2 said they were supposed to be hard so I didn't question it.

Then we got to the WOD.

12 minutes AMRAP (As Many Reps as Possible) of 30 double unders, 20 wall balls, and 15 Toes to Bar.  Since my left shoulder has been hurting ever since I got a little aggressive about Toe to Bar attempts last week (I was so close to getting one!), CoachBoy 2 told me to do Hollow Rocks--an on-your-back core exercise--instead.

So I started with the double unders--or tried to.  After a couple sets of two consecutive dubs, I settled into a nice rhythm of miss--miss--one--miss again.  The trouble was, every time I stopped I got so lightheaded that I had to bend down with my hands on my knees in that fetching "is she just resting or is she gonna hurl?" position.  I had been a bit lightheaded during the squats (and indeed, also at the other workouts I've done this week), but nowhere near this bad.  I finally had to start taking a knee instead of just bending over.  CoachBoy 2 came by and asked how things were going (we were almost halfway into the 12 minutes, everyone else was on their, oh, third set or so, and I had yet to complete half my dubs.)  When I told him about the lightheadedness, he responded exactly the way CoachBoy 3 had when we had the same conversation earlier in the week--by asking if I'd eaten that day.

Clearly they do not know me very well.  At that point in the day, at 10:15 am, I had already eaten twice.

So I struggled along and finished the 12 minutes.  The wall balls didn't go any better than the dubs--I tried to do sets of 5 but kept no-repping and having to take a knee.  The hollow rocks were fine because by that time I was more than happy to lie down.  I ended up with 77 reps--one complete round and 12 more dubs.  Everyone else got in the 200 range.  And I spent an inordinate amount of time flat on my back recovering, considering that the folks who had done three times what I had were strolling casually about the box, chatting and barely breathing hard.

So, an epic fail CrossFit workout.  What gives?  Well, I think my thyroid levels may be high.  I have a lot of suspicious symptoms: I'm always hot, I can't sleep well, I feel jittery sometimes (especially in the mornings), and then there is that fatigue and lightheadedness in  workouts.  I've also had more of the chest pain that my doctor isn't worried about but that I'm not happy with when it turns up (as it did in today's workout). It's taken me a while to put two and two together and start wondering about my thyroid levels, but I've made an appointment for next Tuesday so we shall see.  If I am high, it will be the first time since I was diagnosed that my levels have spontaneously gone up and, while I wouldn't be happy about having to tinker with med dosages again because it tends to be a long and frustrating process, I'd be happy that my thyroid seems to be functioning better.  

And now, I need to go pack because my sister Energizer Bunny and I are heading up north soon to visit my parents (why yes, my next post will feature lake and dog pictures--why do you ask?).  That should be a pleasant way to distract myself from my possible thyroid issues for a couple days...

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