Well, after last week's whine I think I can finally say that I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Here, in no particular order, are the recent Big Thrills from the Long Track Rehab Life:
*i can move around the house with one crutch and even, when I'm moving extremely short distances like when I'm in the kitchen cooking, no crutches. I move VERY slowly and cautiously, but man is it nice not to have to maneuver crutches or a scooter, even for a short period of time.
*i've started PT with Coach Tieguy's brother. The exercises are very low level, but even so, between that and the increased weight bearing, my leg hurts more. Still, it's nice to start doing something to rehab the leg.
*i went to CrossFit yesterday. Well, sort of. We had a two-hour Olympic lifting seminar--yesterday was the snatch--and although I couldn't participate at all I still didn't want to miss it. I learned a lot, and it was so much fun just being back in the box--who would have thought that the smell of "sweaty rubber floor" and the sound of "CrossFit music" would be such effective mood-enhancers? I still can't sit comfortably for more than a couple minues, even with my nice little blow-up cushion, so I got pretty tired standing on one leg. I did take advantage of the "work on your PR" time to do some ring rows and to work on ring dips...they seem to be good exercises for working on upper body strength without involving the right leg. I was quite glad to get back to my recliner after the seminar, though.
*After a couple of epic nosedives off the Paleo wagon, I'm getting back on track. Mostly.
*Although I'm definitely not ready to be there yet, I can now envision being ready for work when I go back in two weeks. I'm guessing the sitting will be the hard part, so I'm hoping that my leg will be strong enough by then to deal with standing most of the time.
*Things I'm most wanting to be able to do next: drive, and walk the dog. Jim has been awesome about driving me where ever I need to go (although I only get out a couple of times a week), but I can't wait to be able to just jump in the car and go whenever I want. As for the dog...she's been polishing her begging skills while waiting for "Daddy" to be ready to take her out these past three weeks ("Mommy" is the "jump up at the first whimper" person; "Daddy" is more of a "I'll get to it when It works into my schedule" kind of guy). She's now progressed to standing in front of my recliner and carrying on an entire whine conversation, complete with "talking" mouth movements and changing facial expressions. She reminds me of the dog in the "I gave it to the cat" video. It's adorable and it cracks me up...but it also kills me that I can't just get up and take her out when she needs to go.
And that's all I've got...but it's nice to have things moving in the right direction.
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