photo by Steve Penland

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Diva Zone

Twenty-six hours after surgery and I am (somewhat) comfortably ensconced in what hubby Jim refers to as "The Diva Zone."  The Zone includes my recliner (with foam mattress topper); a table on each side of the chair for essentials such as medications, water, iPad, phone remotes, and food; multiple pillows within easy reach for leg-propping and napping; my crutches propped within reach; and a fan aimed at my Diva Perch for hot flash mitigation (which then necessitates a blanket within reach as well).  The Diva Zone also includes a fully-functional Remote-Controlled Husband, who has been wonderful about retrieving things, making my coffee just right, taking care of the dog, and generally catering to my every whim.  Oh, and the Zone also frequently includes a large stinky dog parked in front of my fan; she's not the brightest bulb on the string but she's managed to figure out that fan=cool air=good.  So now Jim has two Divas to deal with.

Right now my favorite things (after Jim, of course) are: painkillers; recliner; iPad; TV; radio; and, of course, food.  I'm sorry to say that I abandoned Paleo yesterday for graham crackers (a LOT of graham crackers) with my pain meds; I'm looking for a more paleo-friendly option today, but bacon and broccoli just don't sound that appealing when you need to take meds at four am.

I'm hoping to get a rolly-scooter-thing soon; I didn't think I'd need one just for around the house, but it turns out that it's tiring to hold my foot up (no weight-bearing allowed) while crutching around--and also, I'm pretty clumsy with crutches (who would have guessed, right?).  Other than that there's not a lot going on...but it's nice to know that my current pain is an indicator of healing rather than a by-product of an untreated least now I'm on the road back to walking and CrossFitting and (maybe) skating.

Even if I'll be traveling the road on a rolly scooter for a while.

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