photo by Steve Penland

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Oh, Yeah...NOW I Remember...

...why I hate the off-season so much!

Day 7 of no workouts. The thrill of sitting on my butt on the couch watching TV and eating donuts is gone, replaced by the vague unease, the boredom, and the "something is missing" feeling that befalls someone with an obsession when their obsession is made unavailable.

My chiropractor (yes, I've started seeing a chiropractor for my back/neck/etc issues.  Coach TieGuy's brother, PT TieGuy, is a great Physical Therapist but insurance simply won't let me see him often enough to keep my back happy) has reminded me that this month is supposed to be a time of healing, and it is...physically.

Mentally, this month is gonna suck.

I hate the off-season feeling.  I'm bored, but I don't want to do anything productive (like, oh, say, clean the house).  I miss my skating routine, the physical effort of skating, the fun of having races and practices to look forward to.  The next season seems too far away to really get excited about or even to think about--which is extra unfortunate this year, since I need to write my own workout program for the first time in about eight years (Coach TieGuy will give my efforts the final seal of approval, but he doesn't have the time to write the program himself this year).  So I'm bored and restless and have a house that needs cleaning and a workout program that needs writing and no motivation for either one.

Yeah, the next four weeks are going to be fun...


  1. Heh. We still have a little more than a week left in Milwaukee. I actually got into speed skating because I started running, and was running at the Pettit Center, watching the speed skaters, and decided to try that. On the one hand I'm looking forward to the no-ice-outside-on-the-road season to start cycling and running outside. The last two years I missed the skating for a while after the end of the season, but this year I've been doing much more skating, and have also made a lot more friends among the skaters, so I'll probably miss it more. I've already signed up for some running competitions, so at least I'll have some early-morning athletic competitions to do! (I've *got* to sign up for the "race for the bacon," a 5 or 10km run followed by a bacon-themed party.)

  2. Yeah, fortunately I like inline skating (especially on the oval, which will open for inlining in late April or early May). If I had to do workouts I don't like--biking, dryland, weights, etc--during the summer, I don't think I'd be able to do it. Good thing you've got the running(and the bacon!) to keep you going. I just have to get through the 4 weeks off, and then the 4 weeks of dryland, and I'll be happily skating again...not quite as good as ice, but the next best thing...

  3. Dear Kaari....STEP AWAY FROM THE COUCH. Maybe do some dryland training which we both know you love so much ;)

  4. Not to worry, Sharon...I've been to the RollerDome twice this week for an easy skate, so I'm moving again. I'm under orders to "take March off," though (other than easy skates or bikes), so no dryland until April. I can't say I see that as a bad thing, though!
