photo by Steve Penland

Friday, June 27, 2014

Fail Day

Today was supposed to be the Granite Games Masters Sectionals WOD #4 :  a 4-minute AMRAP of 3 cleans, 3 jerks, 2 cleans, 2 jerks, 1 clean, 1 jerk at (for us old ladies) 95 pounds.

#4 didn't happen today.

However, at the risk of being accused of TMI, #2 did happen.  A lot of #2.  For both me and the dog.

Yes, it was a crappy day.

Which was  a shame, because it started out so well: a nice breakfast of Paleo waffles and microwave bacon (dog food and microwave bacon for Keira), then a walk with Keira in the park across the road, then some internet surfing (including, perhaps, intense studying of a quick glance at the Granite Games leaderboard.) WOD #4 was scheduled to happen at 1:30, so I planned to spend the morning relaxing and doing whatever sounded good.

Until, as I sat at the computer, I was suddenly the recipient of some very intense looks from a very agitated dog.  And then some whining and some random bouncing and head-shaking that was clearly intended to communicate a need.  Unfortunately, Keira is a bit dumb and this is as far as her communication goes; to further narrow down the source of the unmet doggy need, I have to become an active participant in the conversation.  In other words, I have to play "am I getting warmer" with the dog by walking towards the various things she might be wanting--food and outside are of course the biggies--and seeing whether the tail stops wagging or gains speed as I approach the item.
The Great Communicator, giving me her best "That's right,
I want something.  Good luck figuring out what it is." look.

Usually walking towards the food dish gets a vigorous wag, while walking towards the door causes the tail wag to slow and finally stop and Keira's head to droop as she clearly wonders how she got stuck with such a dim owner.  This time, though, when I walked towards the door she sprinted ahead of me.  Hmm, strange...we were just at the park...

Well, once we got outside it became clear why she was in such a hurry.  I'll spare you further details...except to say that by the time we got back in the house it was becoming evident that Keira's was not the only digestion that was malfunctioning today.

I'm blaming the bacon.

At any rate, by the time I got to SISU a couple hours later, my stomach was still not a happy camper, and my enthusiasm for tossing 95 pounds around was quickly fading.  But I figured that since I was there I might as well give it a try, so I started out on a 400 meter warmup jog--which quickly turned into a 100 meter warmup walk.

It's not a good sign when you DNF the warmup jog.

Things did not improve when I actually got a bar set up and started warming up for the cleans and jerks.  The lighter cleans were OK, and the first jerk was fine.  But this WOD called for three cleans in row and then three jerks (rather than three combined clean-and-jerks), and so on down the ladder.  This meant lowering the bar from overhead to front rack position between jerks (rather than dropping it unceremoniously after a clean-and-jerk as usual).  And lowering weight has typically been what my shoulder objects to most. As soon as I lowered the 65 pounds from completed jerk back to front rack position, my left shoulder/bicep tendon/whatever it is reminded me in no uncertain terms that: 1) I had forgotten to take my Advil pre-WOD; 2) it was still not happy with the kips and chest-to-bar pullups I had made it do yesterday; and 3) there was no way it was going to participate in lowering 95 pounds from overhead to front rack.

No way.

Still, I worked my way up to 95 pounds, cleaning the bar, doing  a jerk, and then dropping it, just to see if I could complete the WOD by cleaning the bar up before every jerk.  By the time I got to 95, though, the clean was barely happening and there was no way I was going to get that bar overhead.

And besides, my stomach still hurt.

So I went home.

After a couple hours at home, though, I was feeling better, so I decided to try to upload my WOD video so I could send my score in.  We have a data limit on our home computer, so uploading videos is a "find the free wi fi" sort of thing.  Can I help it if the nearest free wi fi is in a McDonald's?  And you can't just go into a McDonald's and not order anything, right?

Which is how I found myself enjoying a very tasty but definitely not Paleo hot fudge sundae while I attempted to upload my video (clearly my stomach had recovered, even if my willpower hadn't).

Unfortunately, the video uploading was no more successful than the workout had been--I couldn't remember my YouTube user name and password so I couldn't upload the video.  So in the end the hot fudge sundae was in vain.

But it was still pretty good.

So then I came home and attempted to turn in my score from last night's wall ball/C2B WOD; Coach Alye had taped that workout on her iPad because mine was being used as the timer, and she had emailed me the link.  So I put  the score and the video link on the Granite Games website...but put in the score from the dubs workout and the video from the wall ball workout.

Obviously I should not have bothered to get out of bed today.

After a panicked email exchange with the good folks at the Granite Games (who assured me that I could just link the correct video anytime before the scoring closed on Sunday), I decided to watch the video of the wall ball/C2B WOD.

O.  M.  G.

I suddenly have even greater respect for any coach who has ever worked with me...not just for being able to teach me anything (I tend to be a bit clumsy, you know), but for being able to watch me attempt various physical activities--whether CrossFit, speedskating, broomball, or any other activity I've ever done--without simply bursting out laughing.  I know it was me that I was watching, but by two minutes into the video even I was laughing so hard I was almost crying.


I make everything look so freakin' hard.
All body parts activated and flailing.

Whether it was the "full body wall ball shot, using every muscle from tiptoes to fingertips" or the "kip and flail and thrash about until some part of your chest nicks the bar" C2B pullups, every movement was an epic, monumental task, full of strain and effort and force.  For those who might be saying "don't be so hard on yourself"--I'm not.  I'm actually impressed at the effort I appear to be putting out, even if 80% of it is wasted energy.  Just think how good I could be at stuff if I could stop using all those irrelevant muscles!

So anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed the videos (I went on to watch the dub WOD video), and they renewed my resolve to keep working at this stuff and getting better at it.  And to eat less hot fudge sundaes.

As for the Granite Games, I've got WOD #2 tomorrow, and then we have a make up session on Sunday where I can once more attempt the clean and jerk WOD (with a nice dose of Advil on board).  So really, even though today was somewhat of a Fail's all good.

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